EEP Crash Course 02

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GP A.1.1 - Instrument Transformers (current transformers and voltage transformers) are used for measurement and control of generation, transmission, and distribution equipment. Voltage transformers are also known as __________ transformers.

GP A.1.2 - Which of the following are types of Voltage (or Potential) Transformers?

I.    Electromagnetic
II.   Capacitor
III. Mechanical
IV. Optical

GP A.1.3 - A wattmeter is used to measure __________ power.

GP A.1.4 - A 240V electrical circuit has a wattmeter reading of 1.25 kW and an ammeter reading of 8.225A RMS. What is the power factor of this circuit?

GP A.1.5 - With respect to metering, what is a VOM?

GP A.1.6 - What is the resistance in a 12-volt circuit having a 2.4 amp current?

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